Oh where or where has my BACKAYARD gone, oh where oh where could it be?"
"Weh the new issue deh yo?"
"It's been a while since I've seen BACKAYARD magazine!"
These are just a few friendly comments from well-wishers and genuinely concerned subscribers emailing and calling to find out where BACKAYARD has gone? Realistically, BACKAYARD is always around-- at the clubs, launch events, reggae shows, even the 'round the way Bar Mitzvah if there's free food and reggae there-- no worries though, the new issue is here and, yea, we have Elephant Man on the cover.
The funny thing about being away from the lime light for a while is that you get a chance to look at the world objectively, give new beginnings a chance, and focus on your craft, whatever that may be. The flipside of literary dormancy is the high expectancy of top-grade quality accompanied by the familiar taste our subscribers adore.
So one might ask, "Why is Elephant Man on the cover of BACKAYARD?" Well, why not?! It seems like when an artiste or anyone goes 'cold turkey' and takes a vacation from their art, the masses assume that they have sunken into a deep whole with Elmo the Ostrich to keep them company.
But just like Elephant Man, BACKAYARD has been through a few hurricanes and emerged with positive developments. We might not be signed to 'Bad Boy Records' like some people, but we finally have our new issue out and so does Elephant Man.
Source: BACKAYARD Magazine
Date : February 29, 2008
Date : February 29, 2008
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